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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle e magazine

 banking services chronicle e magazine 

banking services chronicle e magazine  published this article Rummy fretted that the allegations were naughty that better training was needed and that we must work more closely with sovereign officials so Iraq doesnt do things that are inconsistent with the values of the international community. These words of wisdom from the man who brought us Abu Ghraib and the detention camp at Guantanamo. When American troops do encounter evidence of torture in Iraq Rummys guidance is essentially Dont stop. Just tell. Gen. Peter Pace the newly appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was at the same news conference and dared to offer radically different advice to his troops. It is absolutely the responsibility of every U.S. service member if they see inhumane treatment being conducted to intervene and stop it. Rumsfeld went into his supersquint mode and said to the general But I dont think you mean they have an obligation to physically stop it its to report it. Without hesitation Pace responded If they are physically present when inhumane treatment is taking place sir they have an obligation to stop it. With that single sentence spoken with honesty and professionalism Pace ended his military career. He is on his way out. He spoke the truth and did so in public. The Busheviks never tolerate such disloyalty. Bushs everloyal nanny Concealeezza Rice recently hinted that while publicly denouncing an artificial deadline for withdrawing forces from Iraq the administration is planning to dramatically slash troop levels. Rice told the Fox News Channel that the present 155000 combat troops will not be maintained for very much longer because the Iraqis are getting so well trained and capable of countering the insurgency. Troop levels will be whittled down based not on the advice of commanders in the field but on the political commandment of the 2006 congressional election. Secretary of State Rice is off to Europe this week including a visit to Romania one of the reported sites for secret CIAoperated prisons where private contractors torture suspected terrorists. Rice will deny everything as she always does and her skill at rambling obfuscation will hypnotize her media cheerleaders. Back at the White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan will babble and repeat Karl Roves talking points. Iraq is the forefront in the war on terror. We are partners in a great coalition to fight terror. We are peaceloving just honest forthright. If you believe anything McClellan says you are by certain empirical evidence insane irrational or both. I wouldnt trust McClellan to tell us what day of the week it is. This hapless hack because of his constant public exposure is the most thoroughly discredited of the legion of liars who serve George W. banking services chronicle e magazine

 banking services chronicle e magazine 

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