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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle e magazine

banking services chronicle e magazine

banking services chronicle e magazine published this article  Bush. But with all those seasoned professional prevaricators on the payroll why are we contracting out for the services of private propaganda outfits The Busheviks have pumped tens of millions of taxpayer dollars into shady public relations firms to help spread the big lies. Why The inhouse liars are more than up for the task. The Pentagon is paying the Lincoln Group $5 million to bribe Iraqi newspapers to print Bush administration propaganda and pretend its independently gathered news. Lincoln is composed of politically connected retired military types. Lincoln took articles written by U.S. military information operations troops translated them into Arabic and bought off Iraqi media people to print the stories as real news. The stories praised the work of U.S. and Iraqi troops and trumpeted efforts to rebuild the wartorn nation. A military spokesman in Baghdad Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch defended the dissemination of Pentagon propaganda and its reliability. We dont lie. We dont need to lie Lynch said adding two more lies to the story. At the White House McClellan feigned surprise telling reporters We are concerned about the reports. We have asked the Pentagon for more information. You know damned well Rummy knew about this and approved the bribe payments. A free and independent press is critical to the functioning of a democracy Sen. John Warner the Virginia Republican and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said when he learned about the dirty deals. The Busheviks long ago dismissed Warners oldfashioned notion of a free press being important to democracy. They coopted the mainstream American media to sell the phony reasons for invading Iraq. Then they kicked it up a notch and just bought off the Iraqi media to sell the joys of the U.S. occupation. The influence and informationpeddling of the secretive Rendon Group was exposed in a recent report in Rolling Stone magazine. The Washington PR firm specializes in perception management. The article by James Bamford details how John Rendon singlehandedly created the Iraqi National Congress and its leader convicted bank swindler Ahmed Chalabi who became a darling of Bush and the neocon warmongers. Rendon rehabilitated the failed credibility of Iraqi defector Adan Ihsan Saeed Al Haideri after he flunked a CIA polygraph exam. Al Haideri claimed he knew about mobile biological weapons labs Saddam set up all over Iraq. His story was full of holes and the CIA declared him a useless liar. But Rendon found the lies useful and profitable. Harry Truman once said I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think its hell. These are welldeserved hellish days for the Busheviks. banking services chronicle e magazine 

banking services chronicle e magazine

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