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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher Published this article page no  144 Reduce criminalisation of politics A large number of candidates with criminal background as party nominees has come to the forefront in the recent times. This may get rectified with growth in innerparty democracy.Lack of transparency and accountability in the inner functioning of the political parties This has serious consequences for the steady functioning of parliamentary democracy in the country.No Law regulating appointments Though RPA disqualifies a sitting legislator or a candidate on certain grounds there is nothing regulating the appointments to offices within the party. A politician may be disqualified from being a legislator but (s)he may continue to hold high positions within hisher party. Challenges in setting up in Party Democracy  Inadequate power with Election Commission Election Commission of India (ECI) is also not equipped to regulate the functioning of the political parties. In the case of Indian National Congress vs Institute of Social Welfare & Others of 2002 the Supreme Court held that the ECI cannot take punitive action against registered political parties for violating the principles of innerparty democracy o The court acknowledging the deregistering powers of the registering authority maintained that the issue of political parties is different from other forms of registration. o This makes the regulation of the conduct and functioning of the political parties extremely difficult reducing the chances of democratic working of parties in the country.Resistance by Dynastic caste and religion parties Most of the parties are openly caste or religiousbased and also their finances are dubious and opaque. o Almost all parties are family fiefdoms and there are no periodical inparty elections in Indian parties Junior Science refresher buy.

Junior Science refresher

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