competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, June 30, 2022

biology today magazine

biology today magazine 

biology today magazine Published this article page no  44 Very large reach India has 574 million active Internet users as of 2019 out of which 330 million people are on some kind of social media site like Facebook YouTube and it is expected to reach 448 million by 2023.  Used as source of information Apart from connecting people across their social networks social media is also increasingly being utilized to share and consume variety of information both formal and informal. Many a times social media platforms are themselves sources of information.  Regulating Misuse of social media Regulation of content on social media necessitates the platform to arbitrate on content in order to check misuse. Such arbitration is essential to check following issues o Offensive content There have been several instances hate speech racist comments and other content which is offensive to communities in general or societies in particular. o Illegal content Social media platforms are used to transmit information which is otherwise illegal. For example information on sexselective abortions radicalization of youth among others. o Fake news The issue of fake news has been increasing exponentially. For instance Check4Spam a nonprofit entity that verifies posts on social media said the number of messages it received to check veracity increased more than 20% from last year. Challenges associated with Social media assuming the role of Arbiters of truth  Reluctance by social media entitles Majority of Social media platforms are commercial entities who have very little economic incentive in being Arbiters of truth. For example Mark Zuckerberg has made a statement that Social media sites should not play arbiters of truth.  Perceived partisan censorship Regulation by an extralegal private entity poses a risk of perceived interest or ideologybased censorship of one line of thoughts and opinions. These entities are often subject to political pressures with each claiming to be a victim of some kind of bias. Legal Framework as Arbiters of Truth for Social Media platforms biology today magazine buy.  

biology today magazine 

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine Published this article page no 18 Economic factors The pandemic has severely hit the business cycles and economy. People mainly in the unorganised sector are under constant fear of losing their businesses jobs or savings which has spiked the frustration anxiety distress level amongst them.  Social factors o Stigma against health care workers people who tested positive elderly and people with existing health conditions. o Children and adolescents are exacerbated by family stress social isolation with some facing increased abuse disrupted education and uncertainty about their futures. o Women As per a survey recorded by UN 66% of Indian women reported being stressed due to additional duties of caregiving such as homeschooling and taking care of older relatives along with increased cases of violence towards them. o Elderly and people with preexisting health conditions are currently extremely worried about being infected with the virus and not having access to appropriate care arihant current affairs magazine buy. 

arihant current affairs magazine

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

general knowledge refresher

general knowledge refresher

general knowledge refresher Published this article page no  96  Global warming and climate change have dominated the scientific discourse in the past more than one decade. With ever rising population of the world the climate change has put the humankind at a great risk along with other species.  Global warming rising levels of pollution due to ever increasing industrialisation declining forest cover and rising sea levels are some of the dangers that drastically affect the workings of life on the earth.  Though the largest polluters are big industries the WWF tries to make the masses more and more aware about the impending dangers of adverse climate so that they could put pressure on the respective governments to frame environmentfriendly policies and laws.  With Earth Hour the WWF aims to engage people across the globe to adopt more sustainable lifestyle. Turning off lights for an hour is just an annual reminder that if the world does not mend its ways it will be heading to a dark age literally. 18. Permanent Body constituted to prevent elephant deaths on railway tracks Context The Union Environment Ministry has constituted a permanent coordination committee that includes the Ministry of Railways and the Environment Ministry to prevent elephant deaths on railway tracks. Background 19 elephants were killed across the country on railway tracks in 201819 14 in 201920 and 12 in 202021. Concern Railway collisions were the secondlargest reason for the unnatural deaths of elephants despite tracts being specifically demarcated and notified as elephant passages. Key measures taken 1. Setting up of a Permanent Coordination Committee between the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) and the MoEFCC for preventing elephant deaths in train accidents. 2. Clearing of vegetation along railway tracks to enable clear view for loco pilots. 3. Using signage boards at suitable points to alert loco pilots about elephant presence. 4. Moderating slopes of elevated sections of railway tracks. 5. Setting up underpassoverpass for safe passage of elephants. 6. Regulation of train speed from sunset to sunrise in vulnerable stretches. 7. Regular patrolling of vulnerable stretches of railway tracks by frontline staff of the Forest Department and wildlife watchers general knowledge refresher buy.

general knowledge refresher

general knowledge refresher

general knowledge refresher

general knowledge refresher Published this article page no   95 Proper Monitoring and reporting. 2. Prevention and control measures. 3. Management treatment and remediation. 4. Public awareness and behaviour change.  169 5. Legislation and policy. 6. Global and regional action. Conclusion It is clear from evidence compiled that lead poisoning is a much greater threat to the health of children than previously understood. Although much more research needs to be conducted enough data have recently emerged for decisive action to begin – and it must begin now. Insta Facts 1. Lead in the body is distributed to the brain liver kidney and bones. It is stored in the teeth and bones where it accumulates over time. 2. Lead in bone is released into blood during pregnancy and becomes a source of exposure to the developing foetus. 3. WHO has identified lead as 1 of 10 chemicals of major public health concern. 4. WHO has joined with the United Nations Environment Programme to form the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint. Insta Curious Did you know that lead is a naturally occurring toxic metal found in the Earths crust?  What is Earth Hour? Every year Earth Hour is observed on the last Saturday of March at 830 pm. And while previously it brought the public out onto the roads to mark the hour this year the famous environmental initiative went digital as many countries are in lockdown. The topic for Earth Hour 2022 will be Shape Our Future. This is a pivotal year for everyone and our world. It is up to us to #ShapeOurFuture by raising awareness about the serious issues impacting our world today. What is Earth Hour? Dating back to 2007 Earth Hour is an annual event organized by the World Wildlife Fund that promotes conservation and sustainable energy. During this time civilians are encouraged to switch off their lights for one hour to help reduce the effect of global warming and raise awareness for climate change and wildlife conservation. Background It was famously started as a lightsoff event in Sydney Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide. Today Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues general knowledge refresher buy.

general knowledge refresher

Monday, June 27, 2022

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine Published this article page no  31 Cyclical unemployment figures in India are negligible. It is a phenomenon that is mostly found in capitalist economies. Technological Unemployment It is loss of jobs due to changes in technology. In 2016 World Bank data predicted that the proportion of jobs threatened by automation in India is 69% yearonyear. Frictional Unemployment  The Frictional Unemployment also called as Search Unemployment refers to the time lag between the jobs when an individual is searching for a new job or is switching between the jobs.  In other words an employee requires time for searching a new job or shifting from the existing to a new job this inevitable time delay causes the frictional unemployment. It is often considered as a voluntary unemployment because it is not caused due to the shortage of job but in fact the workers themselves quit their jobs in search of better opportunities. Vulnerable Employment  This means people working informally without proper job contracts and thus sans any legal protection. These persons are deemed unemployed since records of their work are never maintained.  It is one of the main types of unemployment in India. Causes of Unemployment  120  Large population.  Low or no educational levels and vocational skills of working population.  Inadequate state support legal complexities and low infrastructural financial and market linkages to small cottage industries or small businesses making such enterprises unviable with cost and compliance overruns.  Huge workforce associated with informal sector due to lack of required education skills which is not captured in any employment data. For ex domestic helpers construction workers etc. competition refresher magazine buy.  

competition refresher magazine

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine  Published this article page no 26  Indian Economy and issues relating to planning mobilization of resources growth development and employment. 1. What is the RBIs MPC? Context Jayant Varma Member of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) who has been opposing the RBIs accommodative policy stance has said the stance carries with it the risk of falling behind the curve in future because the stance limits the MPCs freedom of action in ensuing meetings. What is an accommodative policy stance? An accommodative stance means the central bank is prepared to expand the money supply to boost economic growth. The central bank during an accommodative policy period is willing to cut the interest rates. About MPC The RBI has a governmentconstituted Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) which is tasked with framing monetary policy using tools like the repo rate reverse repo rate bank rate cash reserve ratio (CRR).c  It has been instituted by the Central Government of India under Section 45ZB of the RBI Act that was amended in 1934. Functions The MPC is entrusted with the responsibility of deciding the different policy rates including MSF Repo Rate Reverse Repo Rate and Liquidity Adjustment Facility. Composition of MPC  The committee will have six members. Of the six members the government will nominate three. No government official will be nominated to the MPC.  The other three members would be from the RBI with the governor being the exofficio chairperson. Deputy governor of RBI in charge of the monetary policy will be a member as also an executive director of the central bank. Selection and term of members Selection The government nominees to the MPC will be selected by a SearchcumSelection Committee under Cabinet Secretary with RBI Governor and Economic Affairs Secretary and three experts in the field of economics or banking or finance or monetary policy as its members meri saheli magazine buy.

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine 

meri saheli magazine  Published this article page no  25 Leading media groups from the five BRICS countries (Brazil Russia India China and South Africa) have put together a threemonth long training programme for journalists. The programme was an initiative of the BRICS Media Forum. About the BRICS Media Forum  The Forum was established in 2015 by media organisations from the five countries including The Hindu Brazils CMA Group Russias Sputnik Chinas Xinhua and South Africas Independent Media.  The Forum was conceived and developed so that it can function as an independent initiative and set of practical activities undertaken within the broad framework of BRICS cooperation. What is BRICS? BRICS is the group composed of the five major emerging countries  Brazil Russia India China and South Africa. It together represents about 42% of the population 23% of GDP 30% of the territory and 18% of the global trade.  The acronym BRIC was coined by economist Jim ONeill of Goldman Sachs in 2001 to indicate the emerging powers that would be alongside the United States the five largest economies of the world in the 21st century.  In 2006 BRIC countries started their dialogue which since 2009 takes place at annual meetings of heads of state and government.  In 2011 with South Africa joining the group the BRICS reached its final composition incorporating a country from the African continent. Insta Curious Have you heard about PARIS21 grouping? Reference read this. InstaLinks Prelims Link 1. About BRICS. 2. Summits. 3. Presidency. 4. Organisations and groups associated with BRICS. Mains Link Discuss the significance and relevance of BRICS for India meri saheli magazine buy.

meri saheli magazine 

Friday, June 24, 2022

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine Published this article page no  20 Who are Angadias? The Angadia system is a centuryold parallel banking system in the country where traders send cash generally from one state to another through a person called Angadia that stands for courier.It is by and large used in the jewellery business with Mumbai – Surat being the most popular route as they are two ends of the diamond trade.The cash involved is huge and it is the responsibility of the Angadia to transfer cash from one state to another for which they charge a nominal fee.Generally it is the Gujarati Marwari and Malbari community that are involved in the business. Is it legal? While the Angadia system per se is legal there hangs a cloud over the activity as it is suspected that a lot of times it is used to transfer unaccounted money. Panruti cashew Panruti cashew is mainly found in Tamil Nadu. This is unique because of its taste and quality. Although these cashew nuts are slightly smaller in size they have a distinct market value. It is commonly known as the gold mine of Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu.It is commonly cultivated in laterite & red soils as well as coastal sands.  Tamil Nadu Cashew Processors and Exporters Association (TNCPEA) has applied for Geographical Indication (GI) tag for Panruti Cashew.. Karakattam Dance ●Karakattam is an ancient folk dance of Tamil Nadu performed in praise of the rain goddess Mariamman (the rain goddess).The performers balance a pot on their head. Why in News? An organization has demanded that Karakattam (also known as Kumbakkali in certain parts) be recognised as the agricultural art form of Kerala banking service chronicle magazine buy.

banking service chronicle magazine

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf 

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf  Published this article page no 62  What is Earth Hour? Every year Earth Hour is observed on the last Saturday of March at 830 pm. And while previously it brought the public out onto the roads to mark the hour this year the famous environmental initiative went digital as many countries are in lockdown. The topic for Earth Hour 2022 will be Shape Our Future. This is a pivotal year for everyone and our world. It is up to us to #ShapeOurFuture by raising awareness about the serious issues impacting our world today. What is Earth Hour? Dating back to 2007 Earth Hour is an annual event organized by the World Wildlife Fund that promotes conservation and sustainable energy. During this time civilians are encouraged to switch off their lights for one hour to help reduce the effect of global warming and raise awareness for climate change and wildlife conservation. Background It was famously started as a lightsoff event in Sydney Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide. Today Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. The onehour event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement. Whats the difference between Earth Hour and Earth Day? Whereas Earth Hour stands as a climate change initiative where people reduce their electricity usage Earth Day (April 22) celebrates our natural environment by inspiring people to plant trees recycle regularly and keep the planet tidy drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf buy.

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf 

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf 

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf  Published this article page no  61 2. Increase in vehicle ownership combined with the lack of vehicle battery recycling regulation and infrastructure. 3. Workers in dangerous and often illegal recycling operations break open battery cases spill acid and lead dust in the soil. 4. They also smelt the recovered lead in crude openair furnaces that emit toxic fumes poisoning the surrounding community. Need of the hour A coordinated and concerted approach across the following areas 1. Proper Monitoring and reporting. 2. Prevention and control measures. 3. Management treatment and remediation. 4. Public awareness and behaviour change.  169 5. Legislation and policy. 6. Global and regional action. Conclusion It is clear from evidence compiled that lead poisoning is a much greater threat to the health of children than previously understood. Although much more research needs to be conducted enough data have recently emerged for decisive action to begin – and it must begin now. Insta Facts 1. Lead in the body is distributed to the brain liver kidney and bones. It is stored in the teeth and bones where it accumulates over time. 2. Lead in bone is released into blood during pregnancy and becomes a source of exposure to the developing foetus. 3. WHO has identified lead as 1 of 10 chemicals of major public health concern. 4. WHO has joined with the United Nations Environment Programme to form the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint. Insta Curious Did you know that lead is a naturally occurring toxic metal found in the Earths crust drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf buy.

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine 

Shine india monthly magazine 16 published this article page no  the meeting of pm modi with the delegation of leading sikh intellectuals in march 0 had witnessed a freewheeling interaction by prime minister with the delegation on diverse topics such as youth empowerment farmers welfare national education policy drugfree society technology skilling employment and punjabs overall development trajectory. the representatives during the meeting with pm modi also appreciated the continuous and multiple steps taken by the central government for the betterment of the sikh community. pm modi address on guru tegh bahadur jayanti 0 on april  0 prime minister modi participated in the celebrations of the 00th prakash purab of guru tegh bahadur and had also addressed the nation from red fort. on the occasion he released a commemorative coin and a postage stamp. in his address on guru tegh bahadur jayanti 0 pm modi admired the sikh society of india and noted that new thinking continuous hard work and 00% dedication are the identity of the countrys sikh society

Shine india monthly magazine 

competition in focus

competition in focus

competition in focus published this article page no 15  prime minister modi met a sikh delegation at his residence today. he will also address a gathering at around .0 pm. pm modi announced the news via twitter and said that he will be hosting a sikh delegation on friday evening. he further added that the group includes people from different walks of life and also urged the viewers to watch his address to the gathering in the evening. in march 0 prime minister modi met a delegation of the leading sikh intellectual voices from all over the country at his official residence. before that in february this year prime minister had also hosted prominent sikhs from across the country competition in focus buy.

competition in focus