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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

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Junior science refresher magazine

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india  published this article page no 53 as a member of army air force intelligence during world war ii a supporter of military modernization and a president with a vice president that once served as cia director we assume he was told more about ufos than most elected officials. reagans own interest in and experience with the phenomenon is well known. his daughter patti davis said he was fascinated with stories about unidentified flying objects and the possibility of life on other worlds. ronald reagan had two ufo sightings that we know about. the first occurred while he was still acting in films sometime during the 1950s. after showing up late for a dinner party attended by other hollywood celebrities ronald and nancy reagan said they saw a ufo. this story was later confirmed by the kitty kelly lucille ball and steve allen. the second sighting occurred in 1974 while he was governor of california. less than a month after leaving the presidency in 1989 ronald reagan reiterated a story he first told to a bureau chief for the wall street journal in 1974 i was in a plane last week when i looked out the window and saw this white light. it was zigzagging around. i went up to the pilot and said have you seen anything like that before? he was shocked and said nope. and i said to him lets follow it! we followed it for several minutes. it was a bright greenish-white light. we followed it to bakersfield and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. when we got off the plane i told nancy all about it junior science refresher magazine subscription.

 Junior Science Refresher

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

banking service chronicle site

  banking service chronicle site

Published this article : banking service chronicle site  I believe compassion is a desire to help other people that is so overwhelming that you cannot help but go and help yourself. All my life I have heard about how compassionate liberals are and how greedy conservatives are. I have spent years looking for compassionate liberals. I am here to tell you that they are hard to find. Yet everywhere I turn I find compassionate conservatives. In fact it seems that almost every greedy person I meet is a liberal. It seems that the definition that the media and liberal organizations for compassion is the willingness to force other people to give. They are compassionate because they support higher taxes from everyone to do those jobs that they are not willing to do themselves. I have a different idea of compassion. I believe compassion is a desire to help other people that is so overwhelming that you cannot help but go and help yourself. Where is a good liberal when it comes to helping a sick child? To hear liberals talk you would think that if there were one place where they would be motivated to action it would be helping sick children. Of course they are willing to use our money to help them but if they were truly compassionate wouldnt they be out helping sick children themselves. I have spent a lot of time working with sick children and I can to tell you that it is hard to find a good liberal who takes their time to work with sick children.  Here are some examples. My little brother John was born with maximum brain damage. When John was two they started working with this program to try and teach the part of the brain that was there to do the things that the things that the part that was not their was supposed to do. The program needed 20 volunteers. So my parents wrote the local newspaper that wrote an article about John and the need for volunteers. The response was great and they had enough volunteers to run the program. Before I get to the punch line let me explain something about where we live. We live in the great state of Washington. On of the most liberal states in America. It is also on of the most unchurched sates in America with less than one out of ten people going to church on a regular basis. So it would figure that most of the volunteers would be secular liberals. That was not the case. Not only were the majority of the volunteers conservative Christian but rather all of the volunteers were conservative Christians. Yes not one single liberal person responded to this article in a liberal newspaper in a liberal area. I found the same thing when I was a volunteer at a childrens hospital. I knew several of the paid staff who considered themselves liberal. It is one thing to get paid well to do something compassionate but I think the real compassion is shown by those people who are so driven to help that they are willing to do it on a volunteer basis. This childrens hospital was located in one of the most liberal areas of our liberal state. Here I found the same thing. Almost all the volunteers I met along the way were not only politically conservative they were Christians as well. Hmm is there a pattern here? My wife and I did respite care for years. For those of you who are not familiar with this respite care is state program where you take severely disabled children for a certain amount of days a month to give the parents a break. These were children like my brother John who need 24 hour care. Over the years we got to know many other people who did respite care. By now you can guess it. Most of the people we met were conservatives. Where is a good liberal when it comes to working with the elderly and the poor? Currently my job is as an Activities Director at a local senior center. We are unique in that not only do we work with the seniors in our area but we also have one of the largest food banks in our area. We have over 30 volunteers who work at the center. When I started this position at a community senior center filled with retired seniors from a liberal community I thought that I would find different results. Well I was wrong. Even here almost every single volunteer we have is a conservative. I know the people who at several other senior centers and food banks. It seems that that is the pattern here is this liberal state. Conservatives do the giving and liberals do the taking. It is also interesting to note that of all the major relief agencies around the world they were all started and are run by conservative Christians. With the exception of the Red Cross by the way is an organization that was started by Christians. The nations largest food supplier for food banks is Second Harvest which happens to be another Christian organization. I can not speak for other states but it happens to be that the majority of the food banks in our state are run by conservative Churches. Where is a good liberal when it comes to taking care of AIDS patients? When you listen to the media talk about AIDS you would think that this is a place where only a liberal would tread. One of the charities I give to is one that works with children who were orphaned by the AIDS crisis in Africa. Many of whom were born with AIDS themselves. As with most of us I have been concerned about the millions of people in Africa who are dying of AIDS. So when I was introduced to this organization I jumped on the opportunity to support it. I assumed that it was one of the few Christian organizations doing this kind of work in Africa. I was wrong. The people with the mission tell me that most of the organizations across Southern Africa that are working with AIDS victims are Christian organizations. In preparing for this article I did some research and I found that almost all the organizations that are working with AIDS in Africa are sponsored by Conservative Churches. Conclusion The purpose of this article is not to suggest that liberals do not have compassion. It is to dispel the commonly held notion that conservatives are not. In fact the most conservative person running for President in the next presidential election is Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a MD who has gone to Africa each year for many years to provide free medical services for the poor of that continent. Still the truth is if you need help sometime in your life it will probably come from the hands of a conservative and in site of what the liberals in the media tell us each day Christian conservatives are most likely to show compassion. banking service chronicle site

  banking service chronicle site

banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

 banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

Published this article : banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf  Who designed our current US Flag with 50 stars? Robert Heft a then 17 year-old high school sophomore from Ohio created our current American Flag of 50 stars. When was this flag created? Robert Heft created his 50 star hand sewn US flag in 1958 prior to Alaska and Hawaii being admitted to the Union. What drove Robert to create this new flag? It all began as a high school project assigned in 1958 in Lancaster Ohio for his teacher Mr. Stanley Pratt. Each students assignment was to create a project of their own choosing that would be graded for creativity. What prompted Robert to create a flag as his project? Robert was always interested in government and politics and was aware of the possibility of Alaska and Hawaii becoming the next new states. While other kids at his high school struggled with ideas on what to create for their projects Robert knew right away that he wanted to create the first 50 star flag. How did Robert go about designing this one-of-a-kind flag? Being an astute student of history Robert knew that the design of the US Flag had not changed in since 1912. He wanted to change the design of the flag so carefully that it would be almost unnoticeable. How did Robert go about creating this one-of-a-kind flag? Unbeknownst to his family Robert took his parents 48 star US Flag and began cutting the flag apart and rearranging the stars and adding 2 stars so that there would be 50 stars in total. His design featured five rows of 6 stars (30 stars) alternating with four rows of 5 stars (20 stars). Robert spent over 12 hours one weekend arranging and sewing this new combination of stars. Was his teacher Mr. Pratt amazed and impressed by Roberts newly created 50 star US Flag? No Mr. Pratt told Robert that his project lacked creativity and told him anybody can make a flag. Mr. Pratt gave Robert a B minus for his project but told him that he would raise his grade if Robert could get Congress to adopt this new American Flag design. Was Robert discouraged by this challenge from his teacher? No Robert accepted this challenge and took his flag to his congressman Rep. Walter Moeller who worked to get the new 50 star design accepted after Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union. Was this original hand sewn 50 star US Flag ever used or was it just used as a model? Yes it was first flown on July 4 1960 at the US Capitol dome with President Dwight D. Eisenhower Congressman Moeller and Robert Heft in attendance. It has flown over every US state capital building and has flown over the White House under five administrations. Where is Roberts original US Flag of 50 stars? Robert Heft still owns this original first flag of 50 stars and has turned down offers of up to $350000 to sell it. Is that the end of Robert Hefts story? No shortly after he completed his 50 star high school project he went on to create a 51 star US Flag in the event that Puerto Rico ever joined the Union. The 51 star flag has six rows of stars starting with a row of nine and alternated by rows of eight to total 51 stars. What is the moral of this story? If your child comes to you with a wacky seemingly crazy creative idea – let them run with it.  It may turn out to launch their life long career as it did for Robert Heft. banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

 banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

banking services chronicle study material

 banking services chronicle study material 

Published this article : banking services chronicle study material  Attendants are a joyous part of weddings. Selecting attendants is usually an easy task. Sisters brothers best friends are usually on the top of the list when it comes to selecting attendants. Sometimes there may be too many potential attendants to choose from and it may be difficult to choose. It is especially difficult to exclude family members from your attendants list. Regardless of what your relationship is to a potential attendant you should make sure you feel comfortable around them. A lot is riding on your attendants and you want them to contribute positively to your wedding. If you think an attendant may aggravate you you should scratch that name from your list quickly. There is no rule about how many attendants you must have. The average is four-to-six bridesmaids and the same number of ushers. You may decide to have more or less. It is entirely up to you. Usually the larger the wedding the more attendants you will have. Formal weddings require more attendants than informal weddings. If you have 50 people at your wedding having 10 attendants may be a bit too much. You should have at least one usher for every 50 guests since they are helping with seating. There is no need to have an equal number of bridesmaids and ushers you are not required to pair them up. If you need have one more bridesmaid to prevent resentment by a close friend go for it. In case you want to simplify things you may elect to have a made of honor a matron of honor and a couple of best men. It is OK to have pregnant bridesmaids unless there is a religious conflict. Since it can be a long day it may not be wise to ask a pregnant woman to be your bridesmaid. Attendants can get expensive since you are responsible for boutonnieres attendant gifts and accommodations. The more attendants you have the more expensive your rehearsal dinner will be. Be prepared to feed not only the attendants but their partners as well. If you have a religious wedding be sure to discuss the details with your church official. banking services chronicle study material

 banking services chronicle study material