competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, June 24, 2021

pratiyogita darpan english telegram

 pratiyogita darpan english telegram

pratiyogita darpan english telegram  Published this article  States from where the migrant workers have moved out have had to raise wages due to severe shortage of labour. There are instances where workers have been given air tickets to return to work! These may be anecdotal instances but they do echo the need to treat workers with dignity though under duress. One only hopes that at least some such benefits last long enough to emerge as new practices. This should take us to Gandhijis intervention in Ahmedabad textile strike to negotiate in the issue of plague allowance. In my opinion there are several reasons that necessitate thinking of a Covid allowance and determining some standards to calculate it and these are

1. The virus is very likely to stay longer than was initially feared. That makes it systemic and not temporary and hence the need to institutionalise the support through designing a Covid allowance.

2. The lockdown inspired by the pandemic has led to what is being called as the New Normal of working from home. This mode saves the variable costs of his establishment such as power charges use of computers maintaining canteen facility and overall housekeeping etc. for the employer while the employees bear a higher cost in real and money Decent Wages and Covid Allowance terms. This is because i. Employees might now work for longer hours being available 24x7 ii. They have to face the stress of managing the workspace and home-space together and iii. They might have to make an additional investment to upgrade infrastructure. It is important to compensate the employees for this.

 3. Employees who travel to their workplaces during these times run a high risk of contracting the infection themselves if they resort to public transport. Opting for safer and more personalised travel to workplace on the other hand is sure to hike their travel expenses.

4. It is now becoming clear that those recovered from Covid are indeed far from danger as there are cases showing serious damages affecting vital organs of the patients even after recovery. The expenditure on testing and medicines is likely to rise unpredictably for those who contacted the infection even once.

 5. Lastly of course the ability to pay of the employer would have to be taken into account because harmony in employer-employee relationship is crucial to Gandhian view of industrial relations. pratiyogita darpan english telegram

pratiyogita darpan english telegram

pratiyogita darpan english april 2021

 pratiyogita darpan english april 2021

pratiyogita darpan english april 2021 Published this article  But as the Cuban economy started picking up in 2000s obesity rates tripled from 1995 to 2011. Food and fuel was back so were the rates of diabetes and heart disease. But ask any Cuban would they like to go back to the 90s and they would never ever want to live that time of their life again. Even the authors who wrote about this in BMJ concluded that the 90s tragedy was man-made (by International politics) and that it should never happen again to any population. They even acknowledged the Cubans for the dignity and courage with which they faced the social and economic challenges of the special period. pratiyogita darpan english april 2021

 pratiyogita darpan english april 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

shine india magazine current affairs

 shine india magazine current affairs

 shine india magazine current affairs  Published this articles page no 172  Encouraged by the success of IMPRINT I a newer version called IMPRINT II was planned in a more inclusive manner by expanding the catchment of implementing institutions by adopting a more demand driven strategy of solution development and by incorporating the specific requirements of the states of India so as to make enduser translation and technology adoption easier. The SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board) in the Department of Science & Technology (DST) was made the nodal agency for implementing the IMPRINT II initiative working along with the National Coordinator. All faculty members and researchers in all Government of India funded HEIs working in engineering and technology areas especially in IITs NITs IISERs IIITs or CUs are eligible to submit proposals in IMPRINT II as the Principal Investigator (PI). IMPRINT II shall maintain an appropriate inventory of stakeholder needs and map the same against various products/technologies/ knowledge base likely to be developed under the initiative. shine india magazine current affairs


shine india magazine current affairs

Banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

 Banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf  Published this articles page no 121 Farming is both a way of life and means to livelihood for nearly 60 per cent of our population a majority of whom are women and youth. The basic difficulties of farmers can be overcome only if integrated attention is given to pricing procurement and public distribution. Compounding the difficulties of today farmers are facing serious problems from climate change. The most unfavorable impact of climate change will be high temperature wide variation in precipitation and rise in sea level. While looking at the problems of farmers there should be equal attention to the families living and cultivating in the following ecosystems Arid zone semiarid dry farming areas irrigated areas groundwater farming and plantation crops in hilly areas. banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

Banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

Banking services chronicle books online

 Banking services chronicle books online

 banking services chronicle books online  Published this articles page no 120  Voice and data communication in real time and offering accurate inputs for various developmental aspects and managerial issues has been the key focus of space technologies. Today communication navigational remote sensing (earth observational) weather and scientific satellites actually almost fully control humans lives. Largely technology could be said to have evolved as a response to the various requirements of society and it is expected that the S & T innovations happening in the future too would help humans to live more peacefully and happily. banking services chronicle books online

Banking services chronicle books online

Banking services chronicle books for free in pdf

 Banking services chronicle books for free in pdf

 banking services chronicle books for free in pdf  Published this articles page no 119 The most fascinating aspect of modern S&T innovations has been its evolutionary and adaptable nature. It is important to appreciate the fact that despite being developed for a specific purpose some technologies have witnessed modifications and have provided innovation for altogether different purposes. For example cell phones (mobile phones) were originally developed as a unit for remote wireless communication. Since then however phones have been implanted with GPS chips that provide information about the devices geographic position. Developments in the field of Outer Space have been fascinating. This is one technological field which could be said to have made major contribution towards addressing various issues of socioeconomic importance. banking services chronicle books for free in pdf

Banking services chronicle books for free in pdf

Saturday, June 12, 2021

competition success review magazine

 competition success review magazine

competition success review magazine Published this article page no When the World Wide Web was born in the 1990s its initial users (referred to as early adopters) were from the technology community–engineers innovators academicians researchers etc. Governments were not amongst these early adopters–they took to it only later. But when they did it came as a resounding signal of the internets mainstream impact as also an endorsement for its relevance scale and transformative role across the world. Three decades later the internet has been truly adopted by governments across the globe with full gusto. competition success review magazine

competition success review magazine pdf

  competition success review magazine pdf 

competition success review magazine pdf Published this article page no Social media has become a game changer in the way federal regional and local government agencies are engaging interacting and communicating with citizens. The Indian Government has been at the forefront of these emerging trends–it has rapidly adopted the latest digital technologies and embraced new forms of social media communication tools in the discharge of its governance and administrative duties. The Government of Indias ambitious Social Media The Force Multiplier Amit Ranjan The beauty of the new-age social media tools lies in their universality and pervasiveness. They are easy to install and use and have a simplified user experience. While the physical world is constrained by the limitations of distances and boundaries the virtual world is all encompassing–indeed we are all part of a continuous global village. e-GOVERNANCE W Digital India Programme is aimed at transforming India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. This initiative is anchored by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) but is implemented across the federal framework of the country covering central state and local organisations in both the public and private space. The beauty of the new age social media tools lies in their universality and pervasiveness. They are easy to install and use and have a simplified user experience. While the physical world is constrained by the limitations of distances and boundaries the virtual world is all encompassing– indeed we are all part of a continuous global village. competition success review magazine pdf

competition success review magazine online subscription

 competition success review magazine online subscription

competition success review magazine online subscription Published this article page no  of the most active users of social media channels. This is because their jobs hover around real-time public facing situations which are frequently subject to rumours false alerts etc. They are required to display trust in their public dealings and communicate unequivocally. The Police frequently needs to make public announcements–something that social media is well-suited for. This Delhi Police advisory on Twitter (Figure 1) is a telling example how police uses social media to alert citizens about circulating rumours. Hiring & Recruitment Some government agencies are using social media hiring channels for attracting best-in-class talent for their job vacancies. LinkedIn is a popular online recruitment platform–here is an example of a vacancy posted by NISG (National Institute of Smart Government) for technical positions in UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) which runs the Government of Indias Aadhaar program. LinkedIn offers two advantages–it is a publishing tool for job Published this article page no  postings and it also has over 500 million registered users across the world (including 62 million Indian users). They can readily view these vacancies and apply if interested. Foreign Relations Social media bridges the distance between nations on the internet. Many governments agencies are using social media channels effectively to engage with their foreign counterparts. Embassies and foreign consulates are active on Twitter & Facebook engaging with each other or sharing important updates to their citizens. Below is an example of the Indian Government (through their official Twitter account) wishing the people of Paraguay on their Independence Day and how the Indian Governments Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has published all their official Twitter handles on the MEA website (https// Business & Industry Relations Government agencies partner with businesses industry bodies and trade organisations on a regular basis for policy consultations networking etc. Businesses play a key role in driving social medias impact by contributing significantly to the internet economy via advertising paid services etc. competition success review magazine online subscription

banking services chronicle magazine subscription

 banking services chronicle magazine subscription

banking services chronicle magazine subscription Published this article page no Microsoft Translator app on Android and iOS can recognise and translate content from typed or printed text spoken word and even from photos. If you happen to visit Russia or China you need not worry about navigating the streets of Moscow or Beijing as when you click an image of a billboard or road sign Microsoft Translator can promptly translate the Russian or Mandarin text inside the photo into Hindi. In contrast if a foreign tourist on a visit to a city like Jaipur or Agra wants to convey his thoughts in Hindi he can do so by speaking into the Microsoft Translator app as his words get translated into Hindi and pronounced. These are amazing examples of user empowerment as artificial intelligence plays the role of a facilitator in the background and people on both sides of the communication process get benefited. banking services chronicle magazine subscription